Thursday, July 28, 2011


    Humans know the dance since the birth of the world, as evidence of a newborn baby in the world will surely move some limbs. The most fundamental element of dance is motion. However, not all motion can be described as dance, movement is meant motions are smoothed as described by Soedarsono (1978: 3), "Dance is an expression of the human spirit expressed through movement - a beautiful and rhythmic motion."

    Serimpi sangupati is one of the classical dance style surakarta who grew up in the palace surakarta. Initially srimpi sangupati a palace yasan Pakubuwono IV (1788 - 1820) with the name of srimpi sangapati said the duke to the apathy or the king. In the reign of Pakubuwono IX (1861 -1893). Srimpi sangapati srimpi sangupati changed the name comes from the word "sangu" and "starch" means starch sanguning (provision for the dead).

     In general, dance srimpi have traits - traits as follows:
1. Daughter of a classical Javanese dance danced by four dancers daughter who has a disposition or cultivated the same posture and use makeup and dress the same.
2. Has the same motion between the four dancers, but there are also conducted degan two dancers in a position jengkeng and other dancers stand (which do the same motion).
3. The pattern of the floor using a goal-shaped pajupat prapatan.
4 Dance consists of three parts: forward beksan, beksan subject or content, beksan retreat.
Srimpi dance at Surakarta Kraton
Srimpi derived from the word "sarimpi" which means the number four. For the dancer with the number four is associated with the four cardinal directions are west, east, north and south. The number four can also symbolic symbol of human napsu numbering four, namely:
1. Mutmainah the passion that drives on a good (noble ideals of peace).
2. Aluamah the lust that drive to eat.
3. Anger is passion that drives to be angry.
4. Supiyah the passion that drives ketidakbaikan (can not control myself).

   The number of dancers in dance at the Kraton Surakarta srimpi each - each have a role and meaning of its own - alone among others:
a. Batak is as Kakang below, is an old prophecy that was born first.
b. Gulu is as adi ari - ari, ari old is the younger brother - ari born after the baby.
c. Getih Dadha is as white (white blood)
d. Which is distended as getih brother (blood red)

    Apart from the life of the Palace, the next development was srimpi sangupati into the learning materials in higher education. Because it is used as learning material, then further developed by working on the compression of time and reduction in motion - the same motion.
Dance srimpi basically have the same characteristics, but in srimpi sangupati has its own characteristics, namely:
1. No use fighting, but the drinks reception.
2. Using perlangkapan stage small round table with one foot placed in the middle of the area.
3. Using equipment kenthi dance and drink shots for the banquet.
4. In a dance movement there sangupati srimpi omben - omben the two dancers who took shots of wine and two others carrying kenthi.
5. The pattern is more complicated than dance floor srimpi others.

D. Dance choreography srimpi SANGUPATI
    According to the MTH. Sri Mulyani srimpi sangupati motion in dance has its own meaning as in the motion as follows:
1. Worship is thanking God Almighty
2. Sekar suwun right hand that has meaning or give thanks and glorify pundhi.
3. Sekar suwun nyuwuh left hand is begging or asking the Almighty God.
4. Omben - omben is invited to drink a drink or meal.
    Movement in dance srimpi sangupati composed of several motifs motion motive movement stands alone and liaison.
1. Stand-alone motif motion consists of:
a. Laras sangupati jengkeng
b. Laras right sangupati
c. Laras mingger sindet
d. Laras left sangupati
e. Laras sekar suwun
f. Lincak crow
g. Barrel nets - nets
h. Motion omben - omben
i. Lamhehan wutuh
j. Engkyek
k. Ridhong ngalapsari
l. Nickel warti

2. Motif motion liaison
a. Right Sindet
b. Sindet left
c. Kipat Srisig
    In addition to stand alone and motifs motion motive movement dance liaison srimpi sangupati also consists of several elements of motion, namely:
1. Head motion elements include: tolehan, pacak Gulu, lenggu.
2. Exercise elements include: ndegeg, mendak, leyek, ogek gastric
3. Hand motion elements include: nyekiting, ngrangsang, and ukel.
4. Footwork elements include: tiptoe, grade ability, jengkeng, nggrudho.
   In presenting the complete, srimpi sangupati divided into three parts, namely the first (forward beksan) with a movement toward the middle - the middle of the pavilion, accompanied by the barrel of the piece Pathetan pelog pathet goods. The second part (the core of dance) accompanied the piece sangupati kethuk kalih kerep, minggah gendhing Ketawang longgor lasem pelog goods. While the last part (back beksan) accompanied Pathetan barrel pelog pathet goods.

   Clothing srimpi sangupati dance according to the custom in the Kraton Surakarta using a diadem and equipment are always numbered four. Diadem series are as follows:
1. Diadem-shaped leaves or birds.
2. Grudho the form of birds or sol (wing)
3. Sengklat shoulder or lar-shaped birds.
4. Sumping, diadem or grudho adjust its kind.
    All the details of the era were made of sheet gold that was carved by the king's taste coupled with a feather - feathers, commonly called a topknot. The ornaments worn in dance srimpi sangupati namely:
1. Plain bracelet or Ulan - Ulan
2. Necklace calendar
3. Diamond earrings or ties
4. Cunduk teeter
5. Brooch which is located on a black ribbon
    Clothes or mekak srimpi Bludru sangupati made from fabric, on the edge of the shirt sleeves, neck, middle of the studs, the bottom edge of the body encircling embroidered with gold thread or meat. Motive of betel leaf flower bottom gombyok given order. Slepe which is usually called a needle at the Palace motif embroidery made plain yellow gold with red plisir. Thothok or daughter buckle made of gold with diamond jewels, Jakut, and diamonds. Sampun originally plain white sheet on the edge sampur gambyok flower order given that there is more sense when sampur diseblakan.

   In ancient times the dancers - dancers use body scrub court that the material contained ingredients - raw ingredients such as leaves, turmeric, roots, and everything is made from the palace itself. Wear scrubs for the face and whole body so skin looks yellow and smooth. Lips look so red, the dancers eat betel leaves (nginang). Eyebrows are made with the eyebrow shape as in the puppet princess is modified into a crescent shape by using Indian ink. In the middle between the two eyebrows given a picture called Laler menclok shaped (^) or form (!) According to the tastes of dancers with the notes using the same form for the four dancers. Turi ngudup Godheg made form as in the puppet princess.

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