Thursday, July 28, 2011



A. Understanding Curriculum
The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve certain educational goals. In the process of learning, the curriculum is a very important component, in addition to teachers, other educational facilities and infrastructure. In Indonesia has six times the revised curriculum of primary and secondary education in 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004 and SBC curriculum. Revision of the curriculum is aimed at establishing an appropriate curriculum with the demands and needs masyaarakat, in order to anticipate the times, as well as to provide guidline or reference for the organization of learning in the education unit

B. Making goal Report
The purpose of this report is made to determine the vocational curriculum in Fine Art with Cultural Arts curriculum subjects in high school and how the implementation of curriculum and curriculum delivery by teachers to learners.


SMSR Yogyakarta using the curriculum type of curriculum (Curriculum Level One Education) curriculum is operasinal conceived and implemented by the education unit (school) with reference to national standards and curriculum development in accordance with local needs.

The structure of the program curriculum consists of subjects:
1. Normative program:
1.1. Religious education
1.2. Citizenship Education
1.3. Indonesian
1.4. Physical education, sport and health
2. Adaptive Program:
2.1. English
2.2. Mathematics
2.3. Computer skills and information management
2.4. Entrepreneurship
2.5. Art Culture
2.6. Natural Sciences
2.7. Social sciences
3. Earning Program
3.1 Language Competence Vocational
3.2 Vocational Competence
      4. Local Content
      5. Self-development

1. Normative program is a group of subjects that serve to form students who have become personal to the norm - the norm of life as individuals and social beings (community members) either as an Indonesian citizen and as a citizen of the world.
2. Adaptive Program is a working group of subjects forming the learner as an individual in order to have a broad knowledge base and strong to adjust or adapt to changes in social environment, work environment, and able to develop themselves in accordance with the development of science, technology and art .
3. Earning program is a group of subjects that serve to equip learners to have a working competence in accordance setandar national job competence Indonesia (SKKNE).
4. Local Content to develop curriculum activities to develop competencies that are tailored to the characteristics and potential of the region, including areas of excellence that the material is not suitable menjai part of the science subjects so that should be the subjects themselves.

At SMSR Yogyakarta, for normative and adaptive program there is no change of subjects according to national standards, but with special considerations that most students SMSR Yogyakarta backgrounds of graduates of junior high grades in mathematics and the English language is relatively low, the number of hours of teaching mathematics and English plus outnumbered those on the national standard curriculum.
Productive program according to the national standard curriculum is not only more than 12 hours per week. For the number of hours the SMSR Yogyakarta felt very less considering the potential for allowing students and the demands of the job market is challenging the subject matter and the number of hours of productive learning are developed to the fullest.
Local content according to culture conditions Yogyakata the SMSR Yogyakarta, Java programming language subjects and drawing puppets.

Exhaustiveness learn:
Each learning indicators developed as a result of learning achievement of a basic competency ranges from 0-100. Graduation or exhaustiveness criteria set by the school at least in theory subjects: 6.0 and productive subjects (practice): 7.0.
Barriers to implementation of the curriculum:
1. Less unequal presence of teachers with the competencies required conformity
2. Perkaembagan rapid advancement of technology in the world of work is very rapid so that the facilities of the school to be completely left behind and oversized
3. Demands of human resource development of teachers according to labor market demands and perngembangan technology very rapidly.
4. Average economic level of students - the average is less capable of making the learning process outside of school almost unable to walk because of the inability of students to provision of materials and tools.


School conditions conducive to competitive and boost morale of teachers and students to perform maximal.

From observations in the report can take the conclusion that the fine arts curriculum at vocational school of Fine Arts as well as in high school in the subjects of art and culture are very different in terms of material, practice and teaching hours.
Curricula in vocational focuses on productive programs (practice) so that graduates from the vocational school are later prepared to plunge into the world of work and can compete on the field or community. Moderate cultural arts in high school curriculum focuses on students' knowledge about art so that high school graduates do not understand the ins and outs of the art.
Hour lesson with practice among vocational high school was different, hours of study in vocational practice more hours of practice while in high school are very limited so that the skill in the work is less when compared with graduates of vocational school students.
Thus, delivery of content to students of fine arts at SMK different from delivery of content in high school art.

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