Thursday, July 28, 2011


A. Background
Art as one element of culture has various kinds, including art music, sound art, dance, art pendalangan and so on. Art is also the ability of human reason to create something of high value.
Art as one part of the culture is an expression of creativity from the culture itself. No one masyarakatpun are not set aside time to meet the satisfaction for a sense of beauty because of the need for a sense of beauty is the inner instinct of every human being. With that humans acquire a medium to express experiences and ideas in the intellectual inner life through the arts. In conditions bagaiamanapun also, humans still need a medium to express any idea that contain the value of beauty.
During this culture together with tourism. Thus, there is a culture in which art and customs, is viewed as a noun. Culture were approached with the technique of "rescue culture", "inheritance of cultural values", and various projects for the sake of preservation and cultural tourism.


With it we can bundle formulation of the problem in this paper is as follows:
1. What is art?
2. What is meant by formal and non formal education?
3. What is the importance of cultural development?
4. Why become highly critical of traditional art?

a. Understanding Art
The definition of art itself is diverse. Many experts tried to define the meaning of art, that art is expression, the intention is art is an everyday experience that can be addressed to a person to be lived. That experience includes the taste or ideas of each individual is expressed in an interesting or beautiful to others.
In the art itself, there are at least three components that support, namely:
1) The artist as a creator of works of art,
2) Work of Art, as a real form of the creation of artists that can be caught with sensory organs and can be internalized,
3) Art lovers gave, namely konsemen works of art in society. If we correlated between the three components it produces Artists Art and will be enjoyed by the recipient. Art lovers gave the public as, of course, wanted the satisfaction of the Art. So, the ultimate goal of making art is a satisfaction of the audience, although not a few of our artists are too idealistic, consider yourself satisfaction above all else.
Society as part of the world is not static. The development community is very dynamic as a result of globalization and rapid advances in communications technology and information required adjustments in the values ​​and behaviors. Cultural development is expected to provide direction for the embodiment of national identity in accordance with the noble values ​​of national culture
b. Formal and Informal Education
Education, both formal and informal, is a means for cultural inheritance. Every community culture bequeathed to later generations to keep alive their culture and tradition of developing, through education.
c. Cultural Development
Cultural development is intended to create a conducive and harmonious so that the values ​​of local wisdom modernization will be able to respond positively and productively in line with national values. So from that, almost all the arts, especially those that are traditional, are competing to overcome this in order not to be abandoned by its audience.
d. Traditional Art
One form of traditional keseniaan who are in critical condition is kentrung. Small example of this critical condition, apart from the quiet enthusiast, is a misinterpretation of the arts community will kentrung. Community considers the name kentrung is a kind of musical instrument stringed guitar-shaped small 3 or 4 (cukelele), whereas pitutur kentrung is an art or art of storytelling.
Kentrung is an entertainment for the people, the way the play is packed with dialogue and storytelling, combined with parikan and farce. In essence, kentrung brtujuan to entertain the public or the audience. Performances of stories, parikan and farce, which contains messages of moral education for the community, causing keseniaan this can be called with the theater said (containing advice).
Like many other traditional arts, kentrung was dying. Not much, or perhaps too rarely, spoken art-laden missions was featured in his society. Even if there are remnants kentrung groups who have the opportunity arises, not many people are willing to crowded in front of the stage.
         Colonization of modern art as an end to the golden age of kentrung. Rural people prefer to hold a step on the screen, dangdut, or play VCD, at the wedding or circumcision. The influx of modern art on television also eliminate kentrung living space in the middle of society. While television viewers ignore kentrung as an asset.
The disappearance of public appreciation, and the shrinking community of artists kentrung, also resulted in no occurrence of regeneration and inheritance. For example, sister Gimah perhaps no longer think about how to pass on his skills as a puppeteer to his son, or young people who are interested in preserving this art. Because, he was bothered with the affairs of daily livelihood.
       Use of folklore in Indonesia, should need to be observed with, because it realized the culture plays an important role in establishing the relationship between media and society messenger. Traditional Keseniaan as a messenger to the public media, have a high effectiveness value due to factors of cultural proximity between traditional art and society itself. However, unfortunately, currently kentrung in critical condition.
C. Conclusion
       Once observed, we can conclude that an outline of the wealth of Indonesia's national culture will flourish when we are willing to participate to participate pendudukungnya reveal elements. These elements include the local culture, including literature or keseniaan.
Art is now only for the sake of gratification for the tourists. Only sold in front of the Caucasians, Caucasians are packed with festivals, contested, and contested. Finally, the serious work of art and considered enlightening if not allowed to live alone, would be ostracized. Especially a type of theater arts, fine arts, and literature.

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