Thursday, July 28, 2011


A discussion of the future development of this baby has the objective that students should be able to:
1. Understanding the development of the newborn (neonatal) includes traits - traits, adjustments, conditions that affect the adjustment of post-natal, and sensory abilities.
2. Understanding the task - the task of development.
3. Understanding the implications in the field of education.

1. Traits - traits neonatal infant
 There are several features of neonatal infants who according to Hurlock (1992) include:
a. Is the shortest period
This period starts from birth and ends when the baby is two weeks ahead. This period is when the fetus had to adjust to life outside the mother's womb, after he had lived for approximately nine months. Judging from the criteria of psychological adjustment ends when the baby began to show signs - signs of progress the development of behavior.
Neonatal period is divided into two periods, namely:
1) Period partunate (starting at birth to between 15-30 minutes after birth). This period began with the release of the fetus from the mother's uterus and ends after the umbilical cord is cut and tied.
2) Period neonate (from the umbilical cord cutting and binding samapai around the end of the second week of life post-mature). Babies have become a separate individual, independent, no longer a parasite.
b. The adjustment of the radical
Radical adjustment in the transition from the environment outside the self kelingkungan baby. Some babies are easy to adjust, but there is a failure.
c. Is the cessation of development
Growth and rapid development that occurs in prenatal arrived - arrived kelahiran.sering stalled at times setbacks, such as: weight loss and healthy tendency dibandingakan less at birth. It usually occurs a few days to a week, after which the baby's condition began to increase again.
d. Is a prelude to the subsequent development
   The development of a newborn may give a clue about what can be expected to occur.
e. Is a dangerous period
Infant neonatal period is dangerous both physically and psychologically. Physically, a baby is difficult to make adjustments radicals, which can cause death. Psychologically, infancy is a time of formation of the attitude of people - people who matter to your baby.
2. Neonatal Infant Adjustment
According to Hurlock (1998) neonatal infants must perform four basic adjustments seblum they can continue the progress of development, namely:
a. change in temperature between inside and outside the womb womb.
b. Breathing, umbilical cord severed when a baby began to have breathing itself.
c. Suck and swallow
d. Disposal, a tool - a tool disposal began to function after birth.
  3. Developmental tasks of neonatal infants
 Is a task - task to be performed by the infant in a particular period. The goal is to serve as a guide for parents and teachers, to improve motivation in learning things - things that are expected by society, and to prepare the child in the face of hope - new hope. The developmental task of infancy is as follows:
a. Learning to eat solid food
b. Learning to walk
c. Learning to talk
d. Learn to master the tool sewage

1. Stadium sensory - motor (0 - 18 or 24 months)
Younger children, the baby shows action - action that intelligence. Reflex movements of the first three lead to the mastery of knowledge about the outside world. Children from birth have a number of schemes such as the sucking behavior, reaching (holding), shake - shake your body and hit something.
Piaget argued that the development of sensory motor kogmitif during this stage, intelligence is the new kid appears in the form of motor activity in response to sensory stimulation. In this stage the important thing is concrete action and not an act of imaginary or just imagine - just imagine.
In this stage of child development appears as follows: at first the child moves solely on the basis of the behavior of pure reflection. New at the end of this period seems clear differentiation between subject and object.
For children aged approximately 8 months of its existence no longer object if the instance is hidden behind the screen. Only about 9-12 months children are able to rediscover the object - the object is hidden. Children at this age was just looking for hidden objects in place first. Only in the second part of the second year, children look for objects in place before the last time he saw it disappear or hide. But at this age children still have to see what happens. If we take an object and put it into dos, then put it behind the scenes dos and issued the new at the end of this period so about 18 months in children arise sense to also look behind the scenes. At that time a new child is able to imagine things - new things.
From observation - this observation was that during the sensory motor stage is the child develops a process. Piaget called this process desentrasi process, meaning that children can see themselves and the environment as two different entities.
2. Stadium Pre - operational (18 months - 7 years)
In this case I will only discuss the stages of pre - operational from ages 18 months to 3 years. Stadium pre - operational command of the language begins with a systematic, symbolic play, imitation (indirect) and the shadow of mental ddalam. All of these processes shows that children are capable of symbolic behavior. Children are now no longer simply react to the stimulus - the stimulus but there appears an internal activity.
Children are able to do temple - the temple, which means that can lead to a situation - a situation that is not immediately available. He was able to mimic the behavior seen (imitation) what he had seen the day before (delayed imitation). Children can hold the anticipation and able to hold a representation of the world on a concrete level. But although there are many aspects - the positive aspects of the way we think pre - operational, but there are still many shortcomings too.
Thinking of pre - operational still very egocentric. Children have not been able (in persepsual, emotional - motivational, and conceptual) to take the perspective of others.
This way of thinking pre - operational very concentrated (centralized). When children are confronted with a situation that a multi - dimensional, then he will focus only on one dimension only and ignore the other dimensions and eventually also ignores the relationship between these dimensions.
Thinking of pre - operational can not be reversed (ir - reversable). Children have not been able to nullify an act of thinking about such measures in the opposite direction. Pre-operational thought is directed static. A situation such as when switching to the situation B, then the child is only concerned about the situation A, then B. he did not pay attention to the transformation of the displacement from A to B.


After we discussed the development of children aged 0-3 years old, from all the reviews that we have presented can be concluded that the development from newborn babies to the pre-operational stage is a stage - stage of development towards independence of the child or any individual. We as educators candidate after studying this material is expected to implement it as a reference in the education of pre - school.

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