Thursday, July 28, 2011


    Abstract art is the creation of array elements - the elements form a totally free from the illusion of forms - forms of nature. If the artist is still dotted the previous flow - starting from the real object, then the flow of abstract artists try to uncover the fact that there is something in the mind of artists. Because something comes from the world, namely one's inner world, then that appears will usually differ from dunialuar (reality). So that works - abstract art work will be highly individualistic and personal. If abstract art (abstract paintings), the physical form is still visible impression of nature, usually called semi-abstract impressionism - abstract, cubism and futurism even called abstract. But that really - really abstract (purely) there are two different categories ". In Expressionism - Abstract disclosure of lines and colors tend to be geometric, and there are two types that are categorized as expressionism - abstract of "color field painting", lines and colors are expressed tend to display the field - the field width with bright colors. The second type of "action painting", lines and colors are expressed tend to show bursts - bursts, plotot - plototan, sertawujud - expressive form on canvas.

     It has been mentioned earlier, that is seen as a pioneer Wassily Kandinsky emergence of abstract art, and then Malavich Kasimir (1878-1935). After studying the theory developed Kandinsky, then there arises the so-called: Suprematisme, Constructivism, Neoplastisme, and Purisme, which is basically the same - just trying to leave the natural form.

     The purpose of observation exhibition held at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta is the image - the image on display abstract homage to, among others:
1. Can learn about the arts as a character and charm of a local culture.
2. That students are able to understand an abstract homage to the picture that can be developed by the students so that the emergence of ideas - new ideas.
3. Painting - paintings on display gives a good example of encouraging students to compete in the world of art.
4. Students can see, feel and be able to appreciate how the painting - painting a wide range of flow can develop sam1pai today.
5. Give impetus to further explore the nature of the flow - the flow.

    Art education student Faculty of Languages and Art conduct field study in Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. With it will be more students are expected to respect or appreciate the arts as one of the nation's culture held by Indonesia.
As one example of paintings on display below. The results of our observations, in particular homage to Abstract painting is as follows:

abstract paintings (90x90cm), medium canvas

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